Friday, April 6, 2012

Singer And Actress Vanessa Williams Reveals She Was Molested As A 10-Year-Old Girl

Former Miss America Writes Of Incident In New Book

Vanessa Williams

Singer/actress and former Miss America, Vanessa Williams, released an excerpt from forthcoming book "You Have No Idea" and she isn't lying about that title and the content. The book has the makings of a shocker. The released excerpt recounts the sad time in her life at age 10, when she was molested during a sleepover by an 18-year-old friend of the family named Susan. It's sad to know something like that happened to her or anyone.

Williams stated of the molestation, "Family friends who had a daughter invited me to visit their friends in California with them. The family we stayed with had two kids. Susan, who was 18, smoked, drove a car, and was the epitome of cool. (My friend) Nancy and I slept in the den. One night Susan crept in. She told me to lie down on the rug. I was confused. Are we going to play a game? As I tried to make sense of it, Susan pulled down the bloomers of my cotton baby-doll pajamas." Williams states in the book, "'What are you doing?' I asked." The sexual predator replied, "Don’t worry – it’ll feel good. Don't tell anyone."

It appears, like many victims of molestation, Williams repressed the painful memory of the sexual abuse, until an event later in life brought the trauma to the forefront of her mind. Williams wrote, "I didn’t really understand until college. I was with my boyfriend and it hit me and I blurted out: 'Oh my god -- I was molested.'"

Williams also writes of an abortion she had at age 17, during her senior year in high school. She went on to win the Miss America pageant, but relinquished her crown when a photographer sold nude lesbian photos of her to a sleazy magazine. Shortly after she became a singer and actress.


Vanessa Williams molested as a child