Prepare To Have Your Ears Bleed
During a political fundraiser in Harlem, New York at the Apollo Theater, U.S. President Barack Obama attempted to sing "Let's Stay Together" by singer and reverend, Al Green. While he didn't sound as bad as William Hung, Madonna, Britney Spears or Rihanna, Obama is not ready for prime time with that singing. I would say "Don't quit your day job" but with the negative way the U.S. economy is going...
Statistics Brand Barack Obama The Worst Job Creation President Since The Great Depression
Movement Among Democrats To Find Challenger To Run Against President Obama In 2012
Obama Solar Firm Fails Filing For Bankruptcy And Laying Off 1,110 People
Gallup Poll: Any Republican Would Beat Obama If The Presidential Election Was Held Today
Obama's Poll Numbers Implode Into Disaster
When It Comes To Debt The Obama Administration Has The Mindset Of Gamblers
Rivals Use Bad Economy As Primary Tool In Their Bid To Oust President Obama
Billionaire Tells Obama To Resign Over The Economy
America's National Deficit Increased An Unprecedented 35% Under President Obama
A Majority Of Americans Feel They Were Better Off Before President Obama