Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Law Firm That Threw Degrading Party To Mock Foreclosure Victims Closes

One of the biggest foreclosure mill law firms in New York, Steven J. Baum P.C, is going out of business, after showing its true colors in a distasteful "Homeless Halloween" party, mocking homeowners they put out of their properties. Pictures were released show members of the firm making fun of Americans that lost their homes to foreclosure, branding them "homeless" in a derisive manner.

Is there any wonder there are so many foreclosures in the nation. Between fraudulent robo-signings at the banks and the nonchalant, negligent, reckless attitude of some, not all law firms who rush these cases to judges, the mystery of why so many people are losing their homes should be solved. If the banks don't burn consumers, the law firms they hire will.


'Homeless Halloween' Law Firm Is Going Out of Business


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