Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Harold Camping Apologies For False Prophecies Regarding The Rapture

Harold Camping

Radio broadcaster, Harold Camping, has done the right thing, in apologizing for the false prophecies he twice issued this year, regarding the rapture and return of Jesus. It led to some making jokes about him in the mainstream press. Camping repeatedly prophesied what day the event would transpire and was wrong each time.

Compendius is of the view, one is not to do such things, as it is not in line with the integrity of the Bible. Camping openly went against the Bible, where it is stated no one knows the exact moment of Christ's return. Camping should refrain from making such prophecies in the future. The Bible indicates the way to know a true prophet is the things said prophet prophecies, not guesses, happens.

The main principles the Lord wants people to take from the Bible is living life to the fullest in a decent way, like each day is your last, becoming a better person and following in His ways, through placing one's faith in Jesus and following his example of integrity. He also wants people to change their unethical behavior.

Most would agree, the world would be a much better place if people were faithful to each other in marriage (not breaking each others' hearts), refrained from violence and abuse, told the truth and did not steal from others, depriving them of their property, to name a few.
