Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Megan Fox Had More Cosmetic Work Done Again

And It Does Not Suit Her At All

Megan Fox's new face looks puffy and older than her age (Photo Credit: Splash)

Hollywood actress, Megan Fox, had more cosmetic work done to her face, much to the dismay of internet audiences. Many feedback posters on different blog sites, keep stating Fox should lay off the cosmetic work, as she does not need it, but she refuses and it is negatively altering the look of her face.

Fox looked her best in 2009, before the Botox, fillers and latest nose job. She is still beautiful, but keeping her 25-year-old face free of cosmetic fillers, toxins and plastic, concentrating on maintaining blemish free skin, which she currently has, would serve her best.

As Fox gets older, she will regret tampering with her face, as it can prematurely age a person. I still can't believe she keeps getting more work done. Hollywood is sad, if someone as beautiful as Fox thinks she needs cosmetic surgery and other procedures in that realm.


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