Thursday, October 13, 2011

Hillary Clinton Nixes Idea Of Joining President Obama As VP Nominee In The 2012 Election

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama

U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has disowned the idea of joining the Democrat presidential ticket in the 2012 election for the White House. Clinton commended Vice President Joe Biden, stating he is doing a good job and she is not an option for the post. After the Wikileaks scandal, Clinton publicly stated she would not seek public office again.

Even if Clinton were to join Obama, his poll numbers have been consistently bad for several month, it would make little impact. Furthermore, Obama is doing what he wants and would not listen to Clinton. She would also attempt to use her husband's playbook, from the time former President Bill Clinton was in office (not to mention, you'd have to hide all the interns and athletic Mrs. Obama from Bubba).

Hillary Obama (LOL he could at least dye his eyebrows to match)

Sadly, much of it would not work at this juncture, as the U.S. economy is so far gone, it requires drastic austere action and extensive new tax measures to pull the nation back from the precipice. If I had to equate the U.S. economy to an emergency room patient, it would be one bleeding profusely and flatlining.

Obama has been doing the same thing over and over for nearly three years and it is not working. It's time to face that if recovery is to be achieved. For every month he stays on this ill-fated course, more damage is done to the economy, via his astonishing spending policies and lack of adequate taxation on the rich.


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