Thursday, October 13, 2011

Ashton Kutcher Did Not Use A Condom While Having Sex With Mistress Sara Leal

Ashton Kutcher, 33 and wife Demi Moore, 48

It was previously reported "Two And A Half Men" star, used a condom when having extramarital sex with 23-year-old party girl, Sara Leal. On October 4, 2011, the Judiciary Report reported otherwise, stating he had risky sex knowing he could contract a deadly disease. One week later, on October 11, 2011, the site's claims were confirmed, via an interview Leal did with U.S. Weekly ("Leal tells Us that Kutcher did not wear a condom during their one-on-one encounter" - US Weekly). I'm not writing this to call out any other websites, but to draw attention to Kutcher's recklessness and how it could negatively impact his health and that of his wife.

One of Kutcher's mistresses Sara Leal

Number one, he should not have been cheating on his wife, as it is unethical and unkind. Number two, there are sexually transmitted diseases in this world that can dramatically alter one's life, even causing death. Why open yourself up to such heartache and possible health issues. Why get drunk at a bar knowing you could land in a dangerous situation that damages your health, life and marriage.

Ashton Kutcher

Kutcher is obviously having mental issues, due to being in the Hollywood cult Kabbalah and when people become depressed they sometimes engage in reckless behavior they otherwise would not if they were in their right mind. I have it on good authority he is tired of being constantly called and monitored by the cult, who tell him what to do on a daily basis through people at the Kabbalah Center in Los Angeles and New York.

"Two And A Half Men" cast and crew

The first chance he got, when he saw freedom, Kutcher went buck wild and inappropriately flipped out in San Diego having a drunken threesome, due to the damage of being force fed the cult's crazy, repressive, mind numbing teachings, which constitute brainwashing, as seen in other court cases. He wanted some freedom from their constant control and intrusion into his daily life and work and went about it in a bad way.

Ashton Kutcher and members of the "Two And A Half Men" cast

Kabbalah is so intrusive, you can't take a dump (toilet) in your house without them knowing about it (I'm not exaggerating). Stop trying to control people and tell them what to do. Stop butting into people's lives and invading their privacy. People resent that, as it is claustrophobic, perverted and sick. Let people be.

Ashton Kutcher looking a little too happen around "Twilight" actress Kristen Stewart

Producer Chuck Lorre, Charlie Sheen and Kutcher are in Kabbalah and considering the very public meltdowns and bizarre behavior that have emanated from them, it is proof positive it is a destructive, life destroying cult, which most Jews reject and denounce as something that causes terrible mental illness. They pushed too much, went too far and now it has backfired, over trying to control, suppress and put a young person in a box, for their own ends. If Kutcher does not break free from Kabbalah it is going to destroy him.


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