Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obama Says He Is Not Giving Up His Nobel Peace Prize

It Would Be Like Milli Vanilli Keeping The Grammy

Barack Obama

U.S. President, Barack Obama, has publicly stated, he is not giving back the Nobel Peace Prize he was awarded in 2009. This is in the face of fresh international calls going out for the accolade to be rescinded, after he illegally invaded Libya, without Congressional or Constitutional approval, attempting to remove and kill their president of 42-years, Muammar Gadhafi.

Let's call it what it is, shall we, as you bombed the man's house. Anyone that bombs a person's house is trying to kill them. There is nothing peaceful about that. With all due respect, the award that was bestowed upon you should be deleted for the year of 2009, as thousands of civilians have died in Libya, squarely due to the war you are unlawfully waging in their nation. You no longer exemplify what the award stands for, due to the aforementioned conduct.

Muammar Gadhafi (you know, I had a bedspread once that looked like that fabric and there he is wearing it)

Side Bar: Why does Muammar Gadhafi have more names than Prince (The Artist Formerly Known As Prince, TAFKAP, Prince Nelson and the symbol that looks like his guitar with scurvy). My spell checker does not appreciate the variations, as one minute it is Moammar Kaddafi, the next it is Gaddafi, Gadhafi and Qaddafi. Pick a name!