Monday, October 25, 2010

The FBI Running Amok Again

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

This month, there have been a number of bad headlines regarding the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). It was announced, via a report by Inspector General, Glenn Fine, that the FBI's computer system is once again behind schedule and well over-budget by many millions, during a financial depression, of all times.

The U.S. taxpayer has been picking up the tab for the computer albatross that has been nothing but a waste of money from day one, due to how it was undertaken. Years ago, the FBI's technologically illiterate director, Robert S. Mueller, determined to do things his way, ignored the warnings of people such as myself and it has spectacularly blown up in his face. The FBI is now stuck with a mismatched computer system that contains over 10,000 software errors and also lags behind technology. Close to one billion dollars has been wasted on this endeavor gone madly wrong.

I don't know what he is smirking about, as he is about to go down in history as the worst FBI Director ever and the one that ran the agency into the ground

Other news headlines regarding the FBI include, many articles on the agency abusing, threatening and violating the Constitutional rights of Americans, who are conscientious objectors to wars the government is waging in the Middle East. They are being summarily searched, targeted for abusive and harsh questioning, arrested, as well as investigated and followed, all on the taxpayers' dime.

In trying to defend their unconstitutional conduct, the FBI tried to make one of their crazy, illogical and pathetic leaps, attempting to absurdly paint people who oppose the wars in the Middle East, as "terrorists" which is insane. They abuse that word too much and it is losing its meaning. The FBI is firmly running a police state, where freedom of speech, freedom of thought and anything less than complete and total worship and subservience to the government, is a crime. Isn't that how Hitler got started.


IG: FBI Computer System On Track For Failure

FBI Computer System Still A Financial Sinkhole

FBI Computer System In Trouble Again

FBI Computer CIO Leaves The Agency

FBI Computer System Delayed Again

FBI Article Index