Thursday, August 26, 2010

Playing With Social Security

U.S. President Barack Obama busy working on the economy bowling

Millions of Americans rely on Social Security to pay their bills in old age. They worked for many years and paid into the system, as such, they have a right to expect the promised monthly checks, upon retirement. However, Social Security has constantly come under attack over the past several years, in conduct that is disgraceful.

For years, former President George W. Bush, wanted to privatize Social Security, which would have been disastrous, in light of the ongoing financial crisis that began in 2008.

This week, one of President Barack Obama's top financial advisor's made crass statements about Social Security and was slammed in the press for it. The co-chairman of Obama's Debt Panel, Alan Simpson, vulgarly stated Social Security is a, "Milk cow with 310 million tits!" Wow, you just can't buy that kind of crass class (sarcasm).