Saturday, August 21, 2010

FBI Agent Arrested For Hiring Illegal Immigrants

A former FBI agent, Ann Cox, who is married to a current FBI agent, has been arrested for hiring several illegal immigrants at the family's restaurant and deli Schlotsky's in Dallas, Texas. This case is quite ironic, as the FBI routinely portrays immigrants in a bad light, via press articles and numerous items on their website.

I have read a number of very offensive items authored by the FBI, which struggle to contain the negative views they have on immigrants. The agency also discriminates against immigrants as well, as a number of legal cases have shown. I have found that to be my experience.

However, to get low priced labor and financially enrich themselves, the FBI's employees and relatives, hypocritically have no qualms about building their businesses and homes, including maintenance, on exploiting illegal immigrant labor. Mr. Cox's family is not the only one at the FBI/DOJ guilty of this.

FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

For the record, the Judiciary Report believes people should not be arrested for seeking a better life, which is what the majority of immigrants do. All illegal and legal immigrants are not criminals, as some would have you believe. Many immigrants have made very positive contributions to America.

Furthermore, if it were not for the immigrants coming from Mexico and the Caribbean, the U.S. farming, hospitality and construction industries, would have collapsed. This is especially true of the farming industry, as it is not an easy task planting, harvesting, packaging and delivering food for a nation of 305,000,000 people. It is a massive endeavor. For every burger, French fry, pizza or omelet you eat, an immigrant most likely played a role in it getting to you.

Many work for less than minimum wage, at grueling jobs many Americans often do not wish to undertake, especially at lower wage rates. They also spend money in America on cost of living expenses, which includes rent, buying food in supermarkets and restaurants, clothes and gas, much of which they pay tax on at the register that goes into the U.S. Treasury.