Saturday, July 3, 2010

Britney Spears Abusing Her Kids Again

Britney Spears wearing a red string Kabbalah bracelet last month

Sony singer Britney Spears has been accused of abusing her two Sean, 4 and Jayden, 2, again. Previously, after a stand off with police, where she held her children hostage, she was publicly accused of shaking one child, while biting the other. Spears, who suffers from schizophrenia, is on a host of medication to aid in controlling her mental illness and psychotic rages.

However, a former bodyguard, Fernando Flores, has come out accusing her of abusing her children again, in a more recent incident, which prompted a visit from Child Services.

He accused her of beating them with belts and forcing them to eat food they are allergic to, which could create a dangerous reaction. He also accused her of sexual harassment. As many of you remember, Spears was propositioning random men she met, during the time her Kabbalah induced mental illness was at its worst.

Child Protection Services Visits Britney

July 01, 2010 - You can run, but you can't hide--from Child Protection services that is. Britney Spears got an interesting visit from Child Services yesterday.

As Hollyscoop had originally reported, Britney's former bodyguard Fernando Flores has filed a sexual harassment case against her. In the suit he also claimed that Britney hit one of her boys with a belt and would often feed them food they were allergic to.

His claims may or may not be bogus, but Child Services didn't take the comments lightly...