Saturday, June 5, 2010

FBI Lying About Imam Killing

Imam Murdered

Racist, frequently sued, FBI Director Robert S. Mueller

This week one of America's foremost pathologists, Dr. Cyril Wecht, indicated the FBI is lying about the death of Detroit Imam, Luqman Ameen Abdullah. The FBI stated he was confrontational and attacked them, forcing them to open fire, shooting him 25 times.

The Judiciary Report viewed the Imam's autopsy photos online and they are horrible (the site does not recommend viewing the photos). The FBI really abused this man.

Imam, Luqman Ameen Abdullah

The autopsy indicates the Imam was bitten on the face and neck by the FBI's dog, who fractured his jaw. The Imam was also shot in the back. If he was charging at them and being confrontational, how did the FBI manage to shoot him in the back.

If someone is charging at you to attack, the self-defense bullet wounds would be to the front of the suspect's body, not the back. Someone's lying...and it appears to be the FBI. COINTELPRO is alive and well under a new name and is still being used on black people. Some things never change.

Doctor doubts FBI in imam's shooting death

He questions bullets in back, dog wounds

Posted: June 3, 2010 - A noted pathologist raised questions Wednesday about how the FBI handled the 2009 shooting death of a Muslim leader in Dearborn, saying that Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah was mauled by a dog and did not receive emergency medical assistance.

Dr. Cyril Wecht of Pittsburgh has handled a number of high-profile cases. He said Abdullah was shot twice in the back -- not once as Wayne County Medical Examiner Carl Schmidt's report said. Schmidt did not comment Wednesday.

Abdullah was killed by FBI agents during a raid Oct. 28. He had bites and claw marks from an FBI dog used during an attempt to arrest him and his followers on suspicion of dealing in stolen goods, Wecht said. He concluded the dog fractured Abdullah's jaw...