FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, who is deeply perverted and unethical
With the terrible discoveries in the Blake Robbins v. Lower Merion School District case, involving members of the faculty at Harriton High school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on America's East Coast, spying on kids in their homes, through the webcams on their school issued laptops, it brings the vile Hollywood practice into the mainstream press.
Equally disturbing is the fact the U.S. FBI has been spying on some people in their homes, in the same manner and separately via hidden cameras, as one court case attested (and mobile phones). This type of sick surveillance should be strictly prohibited, as it is perverse.
However, as FBI Director Robert S. Mueller gave the green light for FBI agents to engage in this gross invasion of privacy, the Bureau has implemented it. Once again, innocent people, who have not broken the law, are being spied on in their homes, due to their chosen professions, such as science, medicine and journalism.
U.S. Senator Arlen Specter has introduced a bill entitled the Surreptitious Video Surveillance Act, but the Judiciary Report strong doubts it will curb the FBI's abuse of technology in this realm at innocent people's expense.