Megan Fox and "Transformers" director Michael Bay
It was confirmed today that "Transformers" actress, Megan Fox, has declined to take over the "Tomb Raider" role of Lara Croft, from her role model and prey, Angelina Jolie. As stated on the Judiciary Report three days ago in the Entertainers That Stalk Other Performers article, the "Tomb Raider" director has turned her down and many have noted Fox's blatant attempts at trying to become Jolie in every way, which would have rendered the role creepy.
Angelina Jolie
An unknown is set to replace Jolie for the third installment of the film. However, Jolie is so tied into the franchise, it is going to be difficult for the project to make the transition. They may run into trouble. Recently, actor Matt Damon made a similar announcement regarding the Bourne film series he has starred in for the past few years and the feedback was not positive.
Entertainers That Stalk Other Performers