Monday, March 1, 2010

"12 Rounds" Film Review

Title: 12 Rounds

Year Of Release: 2009

Review Date: February 28, 2010

Rating: R

Running time: 108 minutes

Box Office Gross: $17,037,910

"12 Rounds" is an action film about a cop and his wife, who are subjected to the psychotic schemes and ramblings, of a hardened criminal that targets the pair, due to the accidental death of his girlfriend, at the police officer’s hands.

Bent on revenge, he breaks out of prison, stalks, kidnaps and terrorizes the police officer’s wife, while demanding the cop accomplishes a number of deadly, deranged tasks in 12 rounds of sadistic play, lest he kills her.

This film stars WWE wrestler, John Cena, who is a modern day, Arnold Schwarzenegger in looks and physique. It is uncanny how much he recalls Arnold in his hay day as an action star.

Wrestling is very popular in America, often selling out arenas on tour. However, "12 Rounds" is another WWE production, packed with very violent, questionable scenes and language that limits the audience it garners, resulting in a lower box office. It was the same story with its predecessor "The Marine." The production quality and acting are fine - it's the content that's the problem.