Thursday, February 18, 2010

The West Delivers Two Blows To Terrorism

Video: Taliban Commander Caught - CBS

The West delivered two blows to terrorism recently. The Pakistani government, in tandem with the C.I.A. captured a Taliban commander Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar.

Video: Israel Under Suspicion It Killed Hamas Man

The Israel spy agency, the Mossad, also took out a high ranking Hamas operative, Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, in Dubai. The incident happened a few weeks ago at a hotel.

US hails capture of Taleban commander Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar

February 18, 2010 - The White House has hailed the capture of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar as a significant win in efforts to deny the Taleban a safe haven in the lawless tribal areas along the Afghan-Pakistan frontier.

The Taleban commander, second only to Mullah Omar in the organisation’s hierarchy, has been in custody for ten days after he was arrested in Karachi in a joint CIA-Pakistani operation. His capture was not confirmed by Pakistan or Washington until yesterday...

U.K., Ireland to Israel envoys: Explain identity theft in Dubai killing

Last update - 03:48 18/02/2010 - Israel's ambassador to Britain has been summoned to a meeting with a senior Foreign Office official today, to clarify what London called the "identity theft" of six British citizens living in Israel. The alleged theft was in connection to last month's assassination of a top Hamas figure in his Dubai hotel room.

Although Jerusalem has not taken responsibility for the January 20 hit on Mahmoud al-Mabhouh, the incident seems to have spawned a serious diplomatic rift between Israel and Great Britain. In his late morning meeting with British Foreign Office Under Secretary Peter Ricketts, Israeli Ambassador Ron Prosor is expected merely to listen to London's position, rather than offer an Israeli response...