U.S. President Barack Obama
U.S. President Barack Obama and NASA plan to undertake environmentally dangerous missions to the moon and Mars to "churn soil" for use in rocket fuel, among other things.
To disturb the environmental balance of the moon and Mars, in order to reap organic materials for miscellaneous use, is dangerous. You could throw the entire solar system out of whack in attempting to harvest said resources.
Where oh where did this idea come from. You could end life as we know it, via tampering with the solar system in an unsafe manner.
Obama Calls for End to NASA’s Moon Program
Published: February 1, 2010 - President Obama is calling on NASA to cancel the program that was to return humans to the Moon by 2020, and focus instead on radically new space technologies.
Mr. Obama’s 2010 budget proposal for NASA asks for $18 billion over five years for fueling spacecraft in orbit, new types of engines to accelerate spacecraft through space and robotic factories that could churn soil on the Moon — and eventually Mars — into rocket fuel.