Monday, February 22, 2010

Confirmed: Lady Gaga Becoming Mentally Ill

Gaga Breaks Down At Photo Shoot

Lady Gaga

As stated on the site on February 13. 2010 and February 18. 2010, pop singer, Lady Gaga, due to Madonna roping her into the Kabbalah cult, is becoming mentally ill and having mental breakdowns. It was confirmed a few days later, on February 20. 2010 (see below), via reports she burst into tears and stormed out of a magazine photo shoot, after behaving very crazily and erratically, then bursting into tears.

Lady Gaga with burns and bruises all over her arms and legs, was spotted wandering around last month, with dazed, brainwashed look on her face

That’s the same thing that happened to Britney Spears, a few months before the pop lip-syncer, was involuntarily committed to a psychiatric ward in California...twice.

Lady Gaga and Madonna

Remember that photo shoot in 2007, where Britney’s mental illness began surfacing even more, when she did crazy things and broke down in tears, concerning the magazine staff. The people around Gaga need to hide the umbrellas, before she pulls a Britney (shakes head).

Burns and wounds on Gaga's legs

Kabbalah is a sick cult that is nothing but a massive financial scam, designed to fleece people out of their money, with gimmicks that do not work, while controlling members through brainwashing, trances and mental illness.

Prima facie evidence of this fact is, Kabbalah red string bracelets are supposed to ward off evil and protect the wearer from anything bad happening to them, yet members of the cult that wore the bracelets, such as Michael Jackson, Brittany Murphy and DJ AM, have died under very tragic circumstances.


Madonna Is Jealous Of Lady Gaga

Marc Jacobs Slams Madonna

Lady GaGa Bruised, Burned And Busted

Madonna Ripped Off Boy George

Lady Gaga Meltdown Report at UK Photo Shoot (photos)

February 20th, 2010 - After fighting through snafus at her debut concert in England, Lady Gaga reportedly melted down during a magazine photo shoot, bursting into tears and sparking a tabloid uproar.

Gaga, real name Stefani Germanotta, was being photographed nearly naked, drapped in chainmail and grabbing her crotch lewdly. Sounds like just another day at the office for “The Fame” singer. But it wasn’t.

Sources who were behind the scenes at the Q Magazine photo shoot described the singer’s behavior as “bizarre.” Midway through the shoot at London’s famed Mayfair Hotel, Gaga burst into tears, telling those around her: “I’m just not in a good place right now.”...

Paramedics were recently rushed to her dressing room when she passed out moments before a show in Indiana...

In the interview with Q Magazine, she also talked about her infamous stunt at last year’s MTV Awards in which she pretended to commit suicide on stage.

“Everybody was freaking out. MTV said, ‘What do you wanna do?’ I said, ‘I wanna bleed to death for four minutes,’” she said...