Saturday, January 23, 2010

Lawyer: Gitmo Detainees Tortured & Murdered - They Did Not Commit Suicide


According to lawyer, Scott Horton, who is handling the wrongful death case of three Gitmo detainees, thought to have committed suicide, they were in fact tortured and murdered, contrary to what was previously reported.

Horton stated the three detainees were placed in "Camp No" at the U.S. prison, Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, tortured, then suffocated to death. The subsequent inquests have revealed foul play, ruling out the suicide story the government released. That does not look good.

Casting Doubt on US Claims of Suicide, Attorney Scott Horton Reveals 3 Gitmo Prisoners Died After Torture at Secret Site

New evidence has emerged suggesting three Guantánamo prisoners whom the US claims took their own lives in June 2006 died not from suicide, but torture. A six-month investigation by Harper’s Magazine indicates the three prisoners were suffocated and tortured during questioning at a secret black site facility at Guantánamo known as “Camp No.” The article is based in part on testimony from a former staff sergeant who says the Obama administration has refused to investigate his claims. [includes rush transcript]