Saturday, January 9, 2010

International Cooperation At Low Levels For U.S. Gov

U.S. President Barack Obama

Last week it was revealed, a number of international cities/countries have not modified security at their airports, in response to a formal request from the U.S. government, due to the attempted Christmas Day airline bombing in America.

Yemen, a major player on the terrorism front, also decreed there are, "Limits to its military cooperation with the United States." Their deputy prime minister for security and defense stated, "We cannot accept any foreign troops on Yemeni territory" deeming it will "strengthen Al Qaeda."

Former President George W. Bush and his Vice President, Dick Cheney, did a massive amount of damage in the area of international relations and now many in the global community are not willing to stick their necks out, as a result of those bridges that were burned.

If Obama is seen following in Bush's footsteps in any manner, in the area political policy, it shall only serve to worsen international ties. Among those choices...more troops to Afghanistan.

Yemen says there are limits to its military cooperation with United States

Friday, January 8, 2010 - SANAA, YEMEN -- In its strongest language yet, Yemen's government declared Thursday that there are limits to its military cooperation with the United States, warning that any direct U.S. action in this impoverished Middle Eastern nation could bolster the popularity of Islamist militants.

"If there is direct intervention by the United States, it will strengthen al-Qaeda," warned Rashad al-Alimi, Yemen's deputy prime minister for security and defense. "We cannot accept any foreign troops on Yemeni territory."

The statement underscored the rising concern among Yemen's leadership about a domestic backlash that could politically weaken the government and foment more instability. In recent days, top Yemeni officials have publicly played down their growing ties to Washington, fearing that they will be perceived by their opponents as weak and beholden to the United States...