Thursday, January 21, 2010

Heidi Montag's Surgeon: No More Procedures

Heidi Montag

Dr. Ryan, the plastic surgeon for reality TV star, Heidi Montag, has stated he will not do any further cosmetic procedures on the 23-year-old, due to the terrible public backlash at her appearance, after undergoing 10 ops in one day.

Montag also revealed, the massive number of procedures she underwent in one surgery, depressed her respiratory system, dropping her breathing to 5 breaths per minute. In short, she could have died.

The Judiciary Report figured as much. You do that many ops on a person in one day and the body will think it is under attack and either fight back with abnormal defense mechanisms or simply shut down, believing something catastrophic is taking place.

Heidi's Plastic Surgeon Refuses to Do More Procedures

January 20, 2010 - Heidi Montag may not be finished messing with her natural looks, but her plastic surgeon is done with her! Her Hollywood surgeon, Dr. Frank Ryan, is reportedly refusing to do any more work on the starlet after completing ten procedures on her in one day...

Heidi even admitted to Access Hollywood earlier this week, “I almost died after my procedure. I had too much Demerol like Michael Jackson did and my breathing was five breaths per minute which is like almost dead. (I was) in an aftercare center, there were nurses that were supposed to be tending to me at all times.

“So thank God, Charles, one of my security guys used to be an EMT, and he was timing my breath on his watch and he called the nurses and they had to put oxygen on my face and called my plastic surgeon to come in for an emergency. So, it was a very traumatic experience for me.”...