Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Heidi Montag: I'm Not Addicted To Plastic Surgery

Heidi Montag

Reality TV star, Heidi Montag, did an interview today on "Good Morning America" stating she is not addicted to plastic surgery, even though she recently underwent 10 procedures in one day. Prior to those procedures, Montag had breast implants and a nose job.

The nose job turned out nicely and enhanced her looks. But she should have stopped there. Huge breast implants, cheek implants, chin reduction, having her ears pinned back, collagen in the lips and a brow lift, among other things, changed her look completely, to the point one can easily spot she's had work done.

Furthermore, the maintenance on all that work, both financially and more importantly, physically, is not going to be easy. Things shift and fall apart and surgeons can't always repair them. That becomes distressing for many.

For example, the cosmetic surgery the late pop star Michael Jackson had done, removed so much from his face, what was left of the cartilage in his nose began to collapse and his chin implant needed constant attention.

His face began to develop visible holes. One cannot exactly putty said holes in with spackle, as it is a human face. I know many people are self-conscious regarding their noses, but taking too much off can be problematic.

Subtle contouring is best. No drastic changes. Gently getting rid of wrinkles, crows feet, jowls and prominent laugh lines is also a nice, subtle look for many. However, wind-tunnel-face should be avoided, when surgeons pull the face/skin back too taught, creating that tiger/cat effect.

As a rule, cheek implants and collagen in the lips should be avoided as well, as it never looks natural. Very few women, who apparently have naturally high cheek bones, can carry it off. Women like Sophia Loren and Iman look good with high cheek bones.

Good plastic surgery is when one gets work done, yet no one really realizes it. People just think you look good. However, excessive plastic surgery is Hollywood's ideal of what beauty should be. They label it perfection, when it is completely distorted. Having everything done on your body in a plastic surgeon's office is not perfection.

Heidi Montag New Plastic Look

Posted on Jan 19, 2010 @ 12:07PM - …Mrs. Spencer Pratt, who has kept a low profile after undergoing ten plastic surgeries in one day (November 20), denies she is addicted to plastic surgery.

Among the procedures Montag underwent: a mini brow lift, Botox in her brow and frownline area, a nose job revision, fat injections in cheeks, nasolabial folds and lips, chin reduction, neck liposuction, had her ears pinned back, a breast augmentation revision, liposuction on her waist, hips and inner and outer thighs, and a buttock augmentation.