Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Google & Islam

Google is being accused of eliminating "offensive" search terms regarding Islam. They are also being accused of promoting offensive search terms about Christianity, via its suggested items.

Google 'censors its website so anti-Islam searches fail to appear'

Last updated at 2:16 PM on 10th January 2010 - Search engine Google has been accused of censoring its results after users discovered it never suggests search terms when it comes to Islam.

In a time-saving feature the internet phenomenon, whose motto is 'don't be evil', helpfully suggests common searches as people type in what they are looking for.

For example, if you type in 'Christianity is' in the search bar a whole range of options flash up including controversial suggestions such as 'Christianity is fake' and 'Christianity is a cult'.

But anyone typing in a similar phrase which replaces Christianity with Islam gets no suggestions at all...

A Google spokesman claimed the strange absence of results was a software problem. He said: "This is in fact a bug and we're working to fix it as quickly as we can.'...
