Monday, December 7, 2009

White House Party Crashers Sought Advice On Gatecrashing

Video: Secret Service Admits: "A Mistake Was Made"

According to a report, prior to Tareq Salahi and his wife Michaele, crashed U.S. President Obama's first state dinner at the White House, he contacted Tim Burke of the MTV show Blaggers, which is about, "A group of friends that crash high profile events."

Video: Raw Video: Michaele Salahi Takes on TV Host Duties

Salahi, a board member of the American Task Force on Palestine, was reportedly seeking advice on how to get into such events without an invitation. Well, that completes the puzzle.

U.S. President Barack Obama, Michaele Salahi and Tareq Salahi

In other news, Congress seeks to question the couple in a hearing, as they've breached national security, endangered the President and Vice President and embarrassed the Secret Service, who have apologized. While the couple appears embarrassed by the bad publicity, they should apologize to the White House.

White House party crashers 'sought blagging advice from British director'

Published: 1:08AM GMT 03 Dec 2009 - The couple accused of gatecrashing a White House state dinner had recently asked the British director of a television series about "blagging" for advice on tricking their way into a black tie event, it has been claimed.

Tareq and Michaele Salahi prompted a Secret Service investigation and a major row about White House security after they managed to get into a state dinner for the Indian prime minister despite having no invitations...

However, the Salahis' assertion that they would never stoop to gatecrash a White House dinner appears to be contradicted by an email exchange with the director of a TV show about blagging.

Tim Burke, who directed MTV Blaggers! – in which a group of friends gatecrash high profile events and parties - said he was contacted by Mr Salahi a week before the White House incident...

He went on: "I am wondering what technique you would suggest we use for a formal engagement, black tie event, state event?...What has been successful in the past and what should we look out for."

Mr Burke said he replied, making two suggestions – either ringing up the organisers in advance to get some names on the guest list or what he called the "pick a name any name" technique...

House chairman wants to subpoena Salahis, but not Desiree Rogers

Thursday, December 3, 2009; 1:53 PM - Secret Service director Mark Sullivan acknowledged mistakes were made by letting Tareq and Michaele Salahi into a state dinner but said he's confident President Barack Obama was never at risk.

A House Republican's attempt to require congressional testimony from a White House aide about last week's state dinner was shot down Thursday by a leading Democrat, who said, "Even the discussion is out of order at this point."...

The Salahis and Rogers all declined to attend the committee's hearing Thursday about what the dinner revealed about White House security.

Thompson said the committee would begin the procedure to issue a subpoena to the Salahis. He warned that if they did not show up in a future hearing, they would be "subject to contempt of Congress," and added that he hoped they would be "as willing to talk to Congress as they have been to talk to the media."...