Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tiger Woods Commercials Pulled

Tiger Woods

The infidelity scandal surround embattled golfer Tiger Woods has now claimed his commercials, as they have been pulled from the airwaves by his sponsors. Gatorade has also discontinued a Tiger Woods sports drink that was on the market.

Tiger Woods TV Ads Disappear After Reports of Affairs (Update1)

Dec. 8 (Bloomberg) -- No advertisements featuring Tiger Woods have run on prime-time television broadcast networks or 19 cable channels since late last month, after reports of his extramarital affairs, according to data from Nielsen Co.

The last prime-time ad featuring the 33-year-old golfer was a 30-second Gillette Co. spot on Nov. 29, according to New York- based Nielsen. Woods also was absent from ads on a number of weekend sports programs, including NFL games, Nielsen said....

Gatorade jumps off Tiger's bandwagon

On the first day of the ongoing Tiger Woods saga, I checked to see which sponsors might be most affected by his problems. Gatorade popped up on the list and, on Tuesday, it became the first major sponsor to drop off Woods' bandwagon.

The official decision was made two days before Woods' accident, according to reports.

In a statement Tuesday, Gatorade said: "We decided several months ago to discontinue Gatorade Tiger Focus along with some other products to make room for our planned series of innovative products in 2010."

However, that's a long way from what Gatorade has been saying officially about its relationship with Tiger Woods.