Saturday, December 5, 2009

Josh Duhamel Inappropriate Flirting

Josh Duhamel

Married actor, Josh Duhamel, who was recently accused of having sex with a stripper, inappropriately commented, one of the perks of his job simulating sex with other actresses. How his wife Fergie could appreciate that is a mystery, as he continues to embarrass her.


Fergie Crying Over Josh Duhamel's Affair

Josh Duhamel’s Type

Josh Duhamel Gave Stripper His Credit Card

Fergie Flies Out To Cheating Josh Duhamel

From Black Eyed Peas To Black Eyed Sleaze

Josh Duhamel Cheating On Fergie

Putting the 'duh' in Duhamel

I don't know about you, but if I was currently immersed in a public scandal that involved skanky strippers and cheating on my wife, I might watch what I said. But not Josh Duhamel. So pretty ... so dumb. He's currently filming "The Romantics" in Long Island where his character is caught between two lady loves, Anna Paquin and Katie Holmes. When "Entertainment Tonight" asked about having to get physical with both actresses Josh said, "It's one of the perks of the jobYeah, let's dial back on the excitement over repercussion free flirting, m'kay

I don't know about you, but if I was currently immersed in a public scandal that involved skanky strippers and cheating on my wife, I might watch what I said. But not Josh Duhamel. So pretty ... so dumb...