Friday, December 11, 2009

Head Of Miami FBI Slams Tiger Woods

Tiger and Elin Woods

The new head of the Miami FBI, John V. Gilles, has denounced Tiger Woods and other high profile stars and politicians caught cheating or stealing, "Gillies said transgressions by high-profile public servants and even perceived social role models, like top golfer Tiger Woods, currently embroiled in allegations that he had extramarital affairs, sent the signal to young Americans that cheating and stealing were acceptable."

John V. Gilles

Well, he has a point, in that what he is saying is true, regarding the negative impact such examples have on society. However, Tiger isn't on trial for committing a federal crime. Not to mention, the FBI is DELIBERATELY not doing enough to catch criminals, especially when they are high profile. When those corrupt orders come down from FBI HQ and the field offices such as Los Angeles, New York and Miami follow them, they too become apart of the problem.

Corruption threatens "soul and fabric" of U.S.: FBI

Tue Dec 8, 2009 1:45pm EST - BOCA RATON, Florida (Reuters) - Corruption, whether in the form of crooked officials, financial fraudsters or even philandering sports stars, is tearing at the fabric of U.S. society and is the country's No. 1 criminal threat, a senior FBI agent said on Tuesday.

Addressing businessmen in Florida, where financial fraud cases jumped by 42 percent in the last year, FBI Miami Division Special Agent in Charge John Gillies said failures in personal ethics and integrity sowed the initial poisonous seeds of corruption in a society.

Gillies said transgressions by high-profile public servants and even perceived social role models, like top golfer Tiger Woods, currently embroiled in allegations that he had extramarital affairs, sent the signal to young Americans that cheating and stealing were acceptable.

"Where do our children learn this? They see us, their elected officials, their sports stars, they see how they act and they figure, 'well it's OK,'" he said, citing the case of Woods, whose early morning car accident in Florida last month triggered a storm of media questioning of his clean-living reputation...

Gillies, a 27-year veteran of the FBI, called corruption in all its multiple forms, whether in law enforcement or in the judicial system, or involving tax cheats and fraudsters, "our number one criminal threat" in the United States.

"It really gets at the soul and fabric of the United States when people are out there corrupting ... it all starts with simple ethics violations," Gillies said...

For those frustrated by diminished earnings eroded by the crisis the FBI veteran offered the following caveat against temptation: "The worst day at work is still better than the best day in jail."

Tiger Woods cited by FBI in corruption study

Tiger Woods' problems with wife and mother in law has prompted the FBI to take a closer look at his behaviour. The G-men's Miami boss John Gillies cited Tiger as evidence of the wave of corruption that was the greatest criminal threat facing the US, in his opinion.

Gillies said the behaviour of high-profile civil servants and role models like Tiger Woods, who allegedly cheated on his wife with several women, sent a signal to young Americans that cheating and stealing were acceptable...