Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Frosty The Sex Offender

Frosty the Inappropriate Snowman

CBS has launched a "viral video" on YouTube taking "Frosty The Snowman" and turning him into a foul-mouthed pervert, talking to kids about sex in a most inappropriate, crude manner.

"Frosty" belongs on a national sex offender's list

The video has offended many, as it is in extremely poor taste. CBS certainly miscalculated on this one. More proof Hollywood, also known as Sodom and Gomorrah 2.0, is going in the wrong direction and sending terrible cues to your kids.

Frosty the Pervert?

Friday, December 11, 2009

...Never has the "viral" in "viral video" seemed more of a perfect word. It is sick.

It turns out the Harris lines are actual quotes from the CBS show. The video begins with Frosty saying to a little girl, "We got to have a bros' night at a strip club, and both of our ladies are totally cool with it. Because they understand that it's healthy for us to do that from time to time. Because it's harmless." The little girl then asks, "Did one of your whores tell you that?"

Then, in a scene where Frosty's coterie of children gathers around a train car, we hear "Open it! Open it! Open it! Open it!" The train car opens, and Frosty proclaims, "It's my porn collection! ... I'm giving you my porn." In the next scene, he tells children, "That, my friend, is the Dominator 8000, the best bullwhip on the market! According to my whip guide. Yeah, I have a whip guide!"

Welcome to the Christmas cartoon "Frosty the Pervert."
