Labour leader and Prime Minister of Great Britain, Gordon Brown, has agreed to television and radio debates with rival, Conservative counterpart, David Cameron. This should prove very interesting. May the best man win.
The climate has grown quite tense in the British political world, due to Britons displeasure with U.S. led wars in the Middle East and the economic downturn that began in America, hitting investors in the United Kingdom, that bear ties to Corporate America, much like during the Great Depression.
U.S. President Barack Obama (left) and British Prime Minister Gordon Brown (right)
This in turn created a massive decline in employment and a spate of foreclosures, shadowing the decline that transpired in America. Due to heavy taxation of 40% on personal income and 40-61% on business income, Britain had more reserves to tie them over during the crisis.
However, the U.S. government has been printing more money as the solution, which places the nation in firm danger of inflation. A tax increase on the rich in America would have been the more appropriate, prudent choice.
David Cameron and wife Samantha
There have been improvements in the financial state of Britain since the 2008 global financial crisis began, which Gordon Brown will no doubt tout, but conversely, David Cameron will state, the incumbent Prime Minister and his predecessor, Tony Blair, created the problem in the first place. Ah politics.