Video: Mass. Policeman: White House Meeting Productive - The Associated Press
President Barack Obama met with Harvard Professor, Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Cambridge Police Sergeant, James Crowley, at the White House today, to discuss a heavily publicized racial profiling incident that transpired last week.
Left to right: Vice President Joe Biden, Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., Sergeant James Crowley and President Barack Obama
The Cambridge Police Department clearly has a problem with racial issues, as another of its officers, Justin Barnett, is embroiled in a racial flap, for inappropriately referring to Professor Gates in an email as a "Jungle monkey." Another Cambridge Police Department officer reportedly has "why-tee" license plates.
I hope Obama, Gates, Crowley and the Cambridge Police Dept. can find racial reconciliation and change the manner in which the latter (Cambridge PD) carries out law enforcement matters, as there is clearly a race based problem there.