Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Female Prime Minister Fawns Over President Obama And First Lady Michelle Obama Shuts It Down

British Prime Minister David Cameron, Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt and U.S. President Barack Obama taking a "selfie" (a picture of one's self)

While attending the memorial for the late great Nelson Mandela in South Africa, U.S. President Barack Obama got himself into a spot of trouble with wife, First Lady Michelle Obama. At least, that's how Twitter is hilariously making it look. President Obama was taking photos with his ally, British Prime Minister David Cameron and Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt, during the memorial that served as a celebration of Mandela's amazing life. 


Follow the sequence of photos from top to bottom for a good laugh

Then, Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt began to fawn over President Obama, laughing and smiling with him, prompting him to platonically pat her on the back. This caused Mrs. Obama to have an "oh really" look on her face that was priceless. Next thing you know, Mrs. Obama had switched seats with Mr. Obama and both he and Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt were no longer smiling and laughing (but Twitter was). Mrs. Obama put Mr. Obama on time out (haha).

First Lady Michelle Obama and President Barack Obama

Speaking of Mrs. Obama, the dress she wore to the Kennedy Center honors last week was stunning and made the news. It's her best look to date. Mr. Obama kept staring at her as well, looking quite mesmerized. You know they totally did it when they got home.

Nelson Mandela's Memorial Is A Beautiful Picture Of Blacks And Whites United In Remembrance


U.S. President Barack Obama at Nelson Mandela memorial

Heads of state from all around the world gathered in South Africa for the memorial service of former South African President and civil rights hero Nelson Mandela. Following the rich South African tradition, the crowds celebrated his life, viewing his passing as a monumental moment transitioning from one life to another in heaven. 


Crowds at the Mandela memorial

To see blacks and whites side by side celebrating the life and legacy of Mandela is beautiful. It is confirmation of how far South Africa has come as a nation. They must not fear the future, but carry on the rich legacy Mandela left behind, regarding loving one another and viewing each other as equals.

Rihanna Stans Got Teyana Taylor Dropped From Adidas Deal Via A Petition

Teyana Taylor (left) and Chris Brown's girlfriend Karrueche Tran (right)

Back in September, singer Rihanna and her stylist attacked vocalist/actress Teyana Taylor on the social networking websites Instagram and Twitter. Taylor fired back, letting her have it over the unprovoked attack that was started out of jealousy, as Teyana is a close friend and ex-lover of Chris Brown, the love of Rihanna's life. The scolding was so thorough, Rihanna was forced to retreat. However, her fans did not.



A few of Rihanna's fans grew angry that she was thoroughly humiliated by Taylor via a string of insults and started a petition to have Taylor dropped from her sneaker (trainers) deal with Adidas. Taylor was set to debut her own shoe, but Adidas called it off and confirmed breaking ties with her in a statement.

Chris Brown

Adidas stated, "We have ended our relationship with Teyana Taylor and do not have any upcoming product launches with her...All I can say is that Adidas partners with athletes and artists who blend well with our brand values. We evaluate our relationships with partners based on the values we hold at Adidas and we don’t condone violence of any kind."   


MN Exclusive: Adidas Ends Relationship With Teyana Taylor — “We Don’t Condone Violence Of Any Kind”

December 4, 2013 - Earlier this week there were rumors floating around that G.O.O.D Music artist Teyana Taylor had been dropped from her Adidas deal, considering the shoe that was expected to drop on Black Friday never happened. At the time, Teyana’s publicist denied the news, saying: Teyana has not been dropped, the sneaker is on hold, no other comments or statement is ready to be issued at this time.

Finding it odd that no definitive statement from Adidas had been made on the matter, we reached out to the sneaker brand for a comment and that’s when they told us Teyana has in fact been dropped from her deal. A Senior PR Manager for the corporation wrote to us in an email:

“We have ended our relationship with Teyana Taylor and do not have any upcoming product launches with her.”

When asked whether the decision was based on Teyana’s altercation with Rihanna and if the petition calling for Adidas and Reebok to eliminate the endorsement factored into the decision at all, the rep added:
“All I can say is that adidas partners with athletes and artists who blend well with our brand values. We evaluate our relationships with partners based on the values we hold at adidas and we don’t condone violence of any kind.”...

Considering the success of Teyana’s Harlem GLC sneaker release earlier this year, we imagine it will only be a matter of time before another brand gives her an opportunity like this again. But in the meantime, word to the wise: Do not let Rihanna get you caught up in these streets. Unfortunately her victim’s losses always seem to be greater than hers.

The Mother Of Floyd Mayweather's Kids Thinks He Is Stringing Shantel Jackson Along With No Intention of Marrying Her


Floyd Mayweather and Shantel Jackson

Josie Harris, 35, the mother of the kids of champion boxer, Floyd Mayweather, 36, is of the belief he is stringing along fiancée Shantel Jackson, 31, with no intention of marrying her (it sure looks that way). Harris, who is Mayweather's former fiancée who has known him since age 16, understandably has differences with Jackson, who she blames for breaking up their relationship and family.

When asked if she has a relationship with Mayweather, Harris stated of Jackson, "No I don’t, and you know what, I will admit this, I have a little bit of animosity. Because I made a few phone calls to her when Floyd and I were living together and she did everything in her power to play her position and tell me 'no we’re not dating.' I’m not just blaming it on her I know it takes two. Here I am I’m a woman with 3 young children and another child that is out of another relation and I’m trying my best. I’m trying my best to keep my family together. And for women who just don’t have any respect for that. Its hard to respect them after the fact."

Harris further stated regarding Jackson, "I don’t care. I don’t. I feel like she didn’t have any type of respect for me as a woman who had 3 children who was living with somebody who was best friend and then I loved to death since I met him when I was 16. So if this is the hour that I should be giving a f*** its probably not a good time to be expecting me to."

Josie Harris

Let's look at the evidence, shall we. Mayweather has been engaged to the beautiful Miss Jackson for over three years and reportedly gave her Harris' engagement ring. That had to have hurt Harris deeply and was an insult to Jackson, which Mayweather may not realize.

Something is wrong or Mayweather would have married Harris already. When a man wants to get married, he gets married. End of story. Yes, Mayweather sleeps around, but I've seen wild men meet the right one, propose, marry the one they love and settle down.

Harris believes Mayweather has no intention of ever getting married. Could be, but at one point he was going to marry her. The problem is Mayweather keeps a harem of harlots, which is dangerous and not God's plan for anyone's life. It's not fair to anyone in a relationship to be with a man who has other women in the background he is actively having sex with. Furthermore, he doesn't know what each gets up to when they are not with him. Stripper Queen Princess Love cheated on him with industry gigolo, Ray J. 

There's nothing wrong with monogamy, but the industry teaches famous men that they are to sleep with as many women as possible and it has ruined many men's lives (and the women who love them too). Mayweather knows his heart. He has clung to Harris the most of all the women who have been in his life. He needs to sort out his feelings, before losing someone who clearly means a lot to him.